Investing in Women’s Financial Futures

Saving for retirement is a challenge across the Pacific, especially for women.

The report “A Secure Retirement: Levelling the Playing Field for Women in the Pacific” explores the difficulties women in the Pacific face in achieving retirement security and how retirement funds could help reduce these hurdles. A panel of experts will provide their perspectives, including insights drawn from initiatives undertaken by the Pacific Islands Investment Forum and Nasfund, Papua New Guinea’s largest retirement fund.

Meet the panelists:

  • Damien Beddoes

    • CEO Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund, Secretariat Pacific Islands Investment Forum

  • Sarah Boxall

    • Economic Empowerment of Women Specialist, Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative

  • Jeremy Cleaver

    • Financing Growth Team Lead, Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative

  • Melanie Lavaki

    • Client Relations and New Business Manager at Nasfund

Webinar attendees will have the chance to engage with the speakers and:

  • Gain an understanding of the structural barriers that prevent women in the Pacific from equal access to retirement fund benefits

  • Share insights on policy reforms to address these barriers including good practice examples from national retirement funds

  • Learn about the regional platform coordinating reforms across the Pacific